One of the most important decisions you can make for the health and well-being of your rabbit is to have them spayed or neutered by an experienced rabbit veterinarian.
- Altered rabbits make better companions as they are calmer, more loving, and more dependable once the urge to mate has been removed
- Altered rabbits are healthier and live longer than unaltered rabbits
- Eliminate the risk of reproductive cancer (>85% in unspayed females)
- Litter box training becomes easier and more reliable in altered rabbits
- Although destructive behaviors (chewing, digging) may continue, they are less prone after surgery
- Altered rabbits are less likely to show aggressive behaviors (biting, lunging, growling, fighting)
- Allows bonding rabbits together after hormonal surges resolve approximately 8 weeks after surgery (click here for bonding rabbits)
- Prevent pregnancy. Rabbits are frequently sexed wrong, and rescues and shelters are overwhelmed with unwanted rabbits.
As soon as testicles descend, usually at 3 1/2 to 4 months of age.
As soon as a female becomes sexually mature, usually around 4 months of age, but many veterinarians prefer to wait until they are 6 months old because surgery is riskier on a younger rabbit.
1. “Spay/Neutering.” Wisconsin House Rabbit Society,
2. “Spaying and Neutering Basics.” Foundation,